Tuesday 21 April 2020

My inquiry on Kiwis

Kiwi birds are native to New Zealand, they are an icon to New Zealand. Kiwi birds can't fly, 
they are flightless birds.

The Kiwi bird is about the size of a chicken it has a long beak and very brown feathers.
Kiwi birds live in protected reserves and national parks because they are hunted by predators.

Kiwis are nocturnal. It means that they sleep in the day and start their day at night.
Kiwis have a territory where they live in, they might be alone or have a mate .
Male and female meet together to have their baby.  

Kiwi birds eat worms and insects. They hunt using their beak, they have nostrils at the end of
their beak, this is how they smell food. People do not have pet kiwis.
They are very bad tempered and very strong. They have sharp claws to attack.
Kiwis are nice but are likely to bite a person.

I think kiwis are cool, i wouldn't want one as a pet because it might bite me!
I think it's cool we call people from New Zealand kiwis. 


  1. Hi Aiden
    You have found some great facts about the Kiwi, I can see you are working really hard on your sentence structure....good job Aiden :)

  2. Kia Ora Aiden,

    well done on following the structure of a report. I like how your conclusion included your opinions on kiwis. You did a great job explaining what nocturnal means. I think it is important to look after our native birds, especially since some of them have low numbers that are still alive. Your next step is give your writing subtitles for you paragraphs, so we know what each paragraph will be about. Do you have a favourite type of kiwi?

    Miss Hart

  3. Hi Aiden,

    This is an informative report about kiwis. It brings back memories for me of a holiday in Northland where Toby and I saw a kiwi in a kauri forest. It was so exciting! Have you seen a kiwi before?

    Mrs Hamilton


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