Friday 17 April 2020

my favourite toy

Hey everyone I have a blog post for you about my small dog toy Fluffy. Fluffy snuggles with me when I am sleeping. I put Fluffy next to me when I am reading. I have had fluffy for 4 years.
Do any of you have a favourite soft toy?


  1. Kia Ora Aiden,

    I like your dog fluffy, I can tell you love him lots and look after him well. My favourite toy when I was a child was my barbie, I loved playing with her. Would you take Fluffy you like the soldiers did with ANZAC Ted in the story?

    Miss Hart

    1. miss hart thank for your comment. Yes i would love take Fluffy to the war to remember him

  2. Hi Aiden
    Your dog Fluffy sounds very cute, it's great that he likes to listen to your reading. I like how you remembered to use a capital 'F' for his name...good job Aiden.

  3. thank you for writing back cant wait to see you again.

  4. Hi Aiden,

    I did see the picture of Fluffy on Friday but for some reason I can't see it now. I think it's a good idea to have a small fluffy toy because I think Kora would be too big to snuggle with you while you are sleeping! I don't have a soft toy now but Toby has a Tigger that he has had since he was about 2 and now he is 13.

    Mrs Hamilton


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