Tuesday 21 April 2020

My animal report. Greyhound

Greyhounds are a smart type of dog. They are known for being the fastest dog in the world.
When greyhounds are not running in races they make beautiful pets.
I have a pet greyhound called Kora, she is a black greyhound. 

What does a greyhound look like and where does it live?
They are very skinny with long legs that help them run fast.
They can run up to 60 kilometres per hour. But they can be big couch potatoes as well.

What does a Greyhound do?
Greyhounds make very good pets. They like to socialise and sleep a lot.
Greyhounds are pretty easy to train as they will do it for a treat.

Some interesting facts I have learnt about greyhounds.
Ancient Egyptians liked camels and cats but they also were known to have greyhounds.
Greyhounds were talked about in the bible.

I think greyhounds are a loving breed of dog. I feel good about having a greyhound as a pet.
Do you have one at home or have you seen one in real life or t.v?


  1. Kia Ora Aiden,

    you have written a detailed report and grouped your ideas together into paragraphs. Mīharo! Well done on including subtitles, it is good to see you following feedback. I never knew that greyhounds were mentioned in the bible, do you know where? To answer your question my friend has a greyhound called Lottie, she is a beautiful dog and I agree they are very social animals.
    Did you find training your greyhound easy or difficult?

    Miss Hart

  2. Hi Aiden
    What an amazing report you have written about greyhounds! I didn't know greyhounds could run up to 60 kilometres/hour....that is so fast, even faster than we can drive our cars on the road. I have seen greyhounds on tv, but I've not seen one in real life. Have you taught Kora lots of tricks? What is her best trick?

  3. Hi Aiden,

    Great job on your report. I really enjoyed reading it and learned some new things I didn't know, like greyhounds being mentioned in The Bible and about how fast they can run. It's lovely to see a picture of Kora. Can she still run really fast? All the times I have seen her she has been very calm.

    Mrs Hamilton

  4. cool dog !!!😜😆


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