Tuesday 21 April 2020

ANZAC Mascot

A mascot is an animal or a teddy, it represents a team or group of people.
People thought mascots bought good luck.
Soldiers were in New Zealand training.
Soldiers found a dog to be their Mascot and to keep them company. 
Mascots give people luck and cheer them up when they're down in the dumps.
The Navy sailors had a mascot dog called Jack. He lived with the sailors on a boat.
The army couldn't bring the animal mascots home but they snuck them into there luggage or
clothes because they couldn't bear to leave them behind.

Facts about ANZAC and how we remember.

They got animals to carry there supplies.
WW1 was called the great war cause WW2 had not happened.
Animals were mascots to make people happy.
Young soldiers fought in the war.
We remember the soldiers that fought in the war.

We bake ANZAC biscuits.
A dawn parade ANZAC day.
We go to memorials to show respect.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Aiden,

    you did a good job with the timeline activity, you included a lot of detail and information from the text. I am impressed with the work you have been doing.When you make headings and subtitles, you can change the size of your font or make it bold, so it stands out. How do you remember the soldiers on ANZAC day?

    Miss Hart


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