Wednesday 4 August 2021

Emma twigg

 Today I made an Article on Emma twigg hope its good this is my first Article/newspaper Article.

Emma twigg is a champion

By Aiden Bailey

Emma Twigg won gold in rowing in Tokyo on Friday.It was very exciting

Twigg stayed in first place the whole time. At the end of the race Twigg was filled with tears of joy. "I didn't hear the hooter and thought I had stopped before the line".

Twigg was born on 1 march 1987 and began rowing in 2001.Twigg has retired from rowing twice but she thinks she can do it and she can that's why she got the gold medal. 

In conclusion I think Twigg is an excellent rowing player. She is a nice person and she doesn't get super angry if she loses.


1 comment:

  1. Great work Aiden- A lovely article about a gold winning NZ athlete!


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